Dialogue Prompt – Worst Trained

This prompt by Shauna Philp makes me think of a line in Pirates of the Caribbean where Captain Jack Sparrow is told her is the worst pirate the speaker has ever heard of. The prompt does not end the same... Read more

Writing Prompt – Assassin’s Grandchild

This prompt is actually a follow up on another prompt I wrote. In that prompt you had the daughter of an assassin trying to protect the victims of her community. This one is after she managed to find people she... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Feverish Assassin

This prompt is both funny and serious at the same time. The Fake Redhead does a great job of showing off the potential of either option or even both. It is interesting to note that the person in the quote... Read more

Location Vault – Endless Pool

Location vault is a new category focused on locations in much the way that character bank is focused on characters. I’m sure other people have done similar things, but I couldn’t find any names for it, so I came up... Read more

Character Prompt – Never Pregnant

This prompt is the result of feeling yesterday’s prompt was a bit too serious and while this could definitely a rather serious situation it is also one that could be on the more absurd side. After all who would not... Read more

Writing Prompt – Forbidden Love

This prompt is based off two characters in one of my stories who’s situation is created due to the world they are in, a world I did not create though both characters are mine. In their line of work one... Read more

Writing Prompt – Magic Stones

While reading a story in one of my current favorite series, I got to a part where the magic using main character had to go collect an item that would allow her to use her magic more efficiently. It isn’t... Read more

Writing Prompt – Different Cultures

I like stories about people who somehow end up in another world or an alternate dimension somehow and what they must do to make sense of the world around them. I like to root for them as they try to... Read more

Writing Prompt – Global Situation

Things are kind of crazy this year, so I thought I’d go take a Blast From the Past and take inspiration from 1999 back when we were “fighting” the “oh so scary” Y2K. I don’t know about you, but that... Read more

Character Bank – Assassin’s Daughter

This prompt is based off of a character who was underdeveloped in a fandom I am in and I decided to be one of the many people who did my own take on her. There was a lot of potential... Read more