Dialogue Prompt – Ain’t Happening Sweetheart

This sounds a little like a hostage situation in this dialogue prompt. I’m not sure what’s going on or how old the people in the prompt are, but I kind of hear the first speaker in the voice of a... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Staggering Amount of Parmesan

In this dialogue prompt from The Fake Redhead the speaker says that there is no such thing as too much Parmesan and I am inclined to agree. That stuff is absolutely delicious and you can never have too much. Obviously... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Two Score and Nine

This prompt is meant as a fun little prompt just because. As humans we tend to make mistakes. Some are big while others are small, but not everything that looks like a mistake is one. The prompt is fairly short... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Real Reason

There is something a find quite amusing about the idea that this person really doesn’t have a twin brother and for some reason they are pretending they do. The Fake Redhead leaves you questioning, what is real here right along... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – You’re the Chaperone

There is little more dangerous than leaving someone in charge who causes the problems rather than prevents them. The biggest problem being, if they are supposed to be the most responsible one in the group and they are causing the... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Humans are Insane

This is a fun dialogue prompt from Writing-Prompt-S. How else would you describe what are presumably extraterrestrials discussing our space program and concluding that we are insane? Are we insane for doing this? Well, that is a question for another... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Tricky Little Bastard

Ruby Rumsey‘s dialogue prompt has the potential to be comedy or horror. It also could be someone who is just being snarky. Words paint beautiful pictures, but they still only go so far. The first time I was introduced to... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Scared of Taxes

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” or so we were told by Benjamin Franklin back in 1789. There are a great many people scared of the prior, but the person in this... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Worst Trained

This prompt by Shauna Philp makes me think of a line in Pirates of the Caribbean where Captain Jack Sparrow is told her is the worst pirate the speaker has ever heard of. The prompt does not end the same... Read more

Writing Prompt – Assassin’s Grandchild

This prompt is actually a follow up on another prompt I wrote. In that prompt you had the daughter of an assassin trying to protect the victims of her community. This one is after she managed to find people she... Read more